Choosing the Right Materials for CNC Machining

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CNC machining is an essential manufacturing process that requires precision and accuracy to achieve the desired outcome. One of the critical factors that affect the quality of CNC machining is the choice of materials used. In this article, we will discuss the most commonly used materials in CNC machining, including aluminum, stainless steel, brass, copper, titanium, and magnesium.


Aluminum is one of the most widely used non-ferrous metal structural materials in the industry due to its softness, lightweight, durability, and excellent thermal conductivity. These properties make it a popular choice for the aerospace industry, where high strength and corrosion resistance are essential. Additionally, aluminum is commonly used in the transportation, construction, and electronics industries. The ease of machinability makes it a preferred material for CNC machining. Aluminum can be quickly formed, manufactured, and processed under various treatment processes. Aluminum can be easily cut by machine tools because of its soft texture, easy machinability, low cost, and requires less force than processing steel. These characteristics are great advantages for machinists and customers ordering parts.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is known for its exceptional properties such as corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and ultra-low temperature resistance. These properties make it an ideal material for applications in various industries, including medical equipment, auto parts, and industrial products.

The machinability of stainless steel is usually inferior to that of aluminum, but compared to other metal materials, its machinability is still very good. Due to its high density, hardness and strength, stainless steel typically requires greater force to cut. However, stainless steel has high ductility and plasticity, so its hardness can be reduced and machinability improved by heating. Moreover, since stainless steel is less prone to deformation and oxidation, it is easier to maintain its shape and surface quality during processing. Overall, the machinability of stainless steel is relatively good, but it requires more operational skills and more powerful equipment to complete machining tasks.


Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc that has excellent machinability and wear resistance. These properties make it ideal for precision instruments, ship parts, auto parts, medical accessories, electrical accessories, and other copper parts that require high strength. Brass oxidizes and turns black over time but forms a protective oxide film that preserves the interior's integrity.

Brass has good cutting performance and plasticity, making it easy to be processed into various shapes such as sheets, pipes, wires, etc. Brass has moderate hardness and can be cut using general lathes, drills, and milling machines.


Copper, also known as red copper, is a metal material with good electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, corrosion resistance, and plastic deformation. Its properties make it an essential material in the production of generator sets, power switch devices, electrical appliances, shielding covers, and chemical industry applications. Copper has excellent thermal conductivity, making it ideal for heat exchangers and HVAC systems. It is also easy to machine, but its high ductility requires special care during machining to avoid work hardening.


Titanium is a lightweight and structurally strong metal material with exceptional corrosion resistance and high heat resistance. These properties make it ideal for applications in the automotive industry, aviation fasteners, turbine blades, engine parts, sports equipment, marine, and environmental protection. However, titanium is challenging to machine due to its high strength and toughness. Specialized tools and techniques are required to overcome these challenges.


Magnesium is another soft, lightweight, and durable metal material that is commonly used in aerospace, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, and industrial development. Its excellent strength-to-weight ratio makes it popular for 3D printing as well. Magnesium is relatively easy to machine, but it can produce a lot of heat during machining, requiring special care to avoid damage to the material.

Contact Dadesin to choose the right material for CNC machining

Choosing the right materials for CNC machining is crucial for achieving the desired outcome. Understanding the unique properties of each material can help manufacturers select the best materials for specific applications. DADESIN, as a professional machining manufacturer, provides customized solutions for various industries, specializing in aluminum, stainless steel, brass, copper, titanium, and magnesium, ensuring optimal results for their clients.


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